Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Stages of Spirituality - 2

Spirituality has various stages of progress:

- Karma Yoga: Nobody can live without action. An attitude of Seva to every action is what is needed to purify our motives. Surrendering action and outcomes (good/bad) to a Guru or God and to go beyond results. Losing the ego sense and getting lost in the work is achievable. This  can achieve excellence and deep satisfaction.

- Raja Yoga: Maintaining health firstly. Through practice of Ashtanga Yoga and Hatha Yoga. Indeed the Yama/Niyama steps are also part of maintaining balance and mental health. Perfect health and glimpses of Samadhi are achievable.

- Bhakti Yoga: Devotion and dedication to God. Practicing Karma Yoga properly helps mature in Bhakti Yoga. Those advanced in this practice have their Ishta Deva/Devi always in mind. They identify with the God and feel one with that God. Becoming the Ishta Devata itself is achievable.

- Jnana Yoga: Knowledge of Self. That which eventually helps one know our own true nature, the truth of creation, the truth of God. Verily, fulfill the true purpose of creation of life. Becoming a Jivamukta is achievable.

Each person gets attracted to a particular path based on his/her spiritual maturity and mindset. Enlightenment is not possible in my view without an appreciation and inculcation of all paths in some measure in one's lifetimes.

There are various spiritual centres in Bharat today that cater to one or more of these paths. These are key centres per my understanding that excel in the paths listed above (there could be more beyond my current awareness).
 I've attempted to list them in order of relevance to achieving enlightenment (in my opinion)

1) Ramakrishna Mission: Jnana Yoga, Seva (Karma Yoga) in that order

2) Mata Amritanandamayi​ Ashram: Seva (Karma Yoga), Jnana Yoga in that order

3) Sringeri Sharadamba Peetam: Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga in that order

4) Art of Living: Primarily Raja Yoga, then Bhakti Yoga (mainly satsanga-bhajans) and Jnana Yoga (surface level) in that order. Seva here is mostly for the organisation's benefit.

5) Isha Foundation: Primarily Raja Yoga, then Jnana Yoga (surface level).

It's a sign of society's current lack of spiritual progress that we see followers dwindling from organisations at the lower level of relevance ( 5/4 - Isha / AOL) through 1 (Ramakrishna mission). 

Well, but it also means there's a lot of spiritual treasure and progress to be gained by all of us.
And the hope that as we make progress, we can truly set Gross Enlightenment Quotient goals as mentioned in the previous article.

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