Sunday, December 04, 2016

The Farmer in the City

This is a story I tell my son. This is a story economists should tell their protégées. This is a story law-makers should contemplate upon: A story of self-sufficiency vs consumerism:

There was once a farmer, who lived in a small village. Happy, healthy, and provided, he had his home and his farm. He had clothes and simple meals to eat. He woke early, prayed and got to his farm. He felt the rush of happiness after a day's tiring work. He met people, they talked and sang God's name together. He meditated and slept well.

And then came his school-friend, who'd come to this native. And lure him, the friend did the farmer, to the merits that await in city. Uncourageous he taunted, had the farmer been all life. And so the farmer took this, his old friend's advice. And off he left for "high-lands", if only for a few weeks at first. The friend bade him farewell, as he stayed back on vacation.

Day 1 the farmer spent, watching all day TV. Never had he been, in such big hotel rooms.
But by end of day he felt, the eyes tired and burning, and yet the body lazy.
He slept not well, he realized for once, what sleeplessness meant.

Day 2 the farmer decided, he should spend out shopping. Never had he needed, as all his money did spend.
By end of day with guilt, he rushed back at the shock.
The cherished value for money, he had all but lost.

Day 3 the farmer made up, will be spent in watching. The beauty he had come for, the life that city promises.
And ate he all he could, and walked about in boredom.
For what beauty lies, buildings lined in space crunch.

Day 4 he learnt illness, what he'd hardly known in life
For no sweat was he breaking, and only junk been eating

Day 5 he set out, to buy his own vegetables
And realized that money's, not fair like barter exchange

I'm reminded of Khaleel Dhantejvi's Ab Main Ration ki Qataaron mein Nazar aata hoon (YouTube Link)

Day 6 he sat sulking, at the cost of city life
(A habit he had not known)
And what he gained, and what he lost
At arriving here on friend's advice

Not wait for Day 7 did he,
Rushed back to village he did
And found his friend recuperating
Detoxing addictions and diseases

I've switched to

Dear reader, I've switched to WordPress upon getting the pop-up that the current Blogger app is not configured to the upgraded version ...