Saturday, September 28, 2013

An Elusive Love

O Beautiful woman, why didn't you come
In yearn for you, I lay wasted in dirt
In search of you, I lost out all trail
In your magical mist, even blindness is bliss

Why do you play, you hide and you tease me
Don't you see I, who hopes you will seek me
Not master of heaven, or earth but am brazen
This lover of yours, has nothing that will faze him

In jungle of life, with every twist of the time
At each trip and fall, you will reach out for my hand
My absence will remind, of this crazed lover's touch
I hope you will return, before I have to bite dust

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Mindless violence

There was violence, in the train as on streets
People being killed, with reason as creed
I could not bear it, I put him at ease
At the right moment, pushed him away to reprieve

I got off the train, I have had enough
Madness in mob, no way to arrest
Someone followed, asking why the unease
I said my God, waits where there is peace

Ghosts of a love from past

She came to me, in sleep distressed
Comforted, took care of me to rest
She fed the same meal, I very much loved
She was no mirage, but the person I love

I lay in thought, my eyes awake
The night was clear, my mind at stress
She was a paramour, from another birth
Yet a soul that shone, my path with light

Tears dripped, my eyes had welled
So I was guided, not a fool in jest
The server said sorry, for the food I saw
I said no, it has her reflection aglow

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The future of the wild

As the scope gets larger, with the human population exploding, I sometimes wonder, of the space left for wildlife. Today we see how the need for "jobs", and the need for more of everything, justifies destroying just about everything that existed in this planet for centuries. With every passing generation, the attachment to nature is less, which makes this exploitation of resources easier by rulers and profiteers.

Until today we have seen, some land areas vacated, national parks and forest preserve parks "restored" to give some wild their own space. But can it really be their own, when the air they breathe and the water they drink cannot possibly avoid being mixed by polluted chemicals from industrial waste? How far can you take them, and us - not yet out of this world - to escape these effects. It's better than the alternative, of animals not having a home at all, very true! But we are lying to ourselves if we think this isn't where they are heading.

But then, do we realize that the pollution, the destruction of forest-land, has a cost that would be borne by the generations after us? The very human life to sustain which we justify this destruction. What is the very purpose of civilization? How is economic growth measured at the cost of natural resources? Who really gave us ownership of these resources, and especially the non-human life around us?

We humans have evolved to our current forms through millions of years of changes. Every "creature" around us, has contributed to this evolution. In that sense, we owe them this consciousness, our evolution to our present forms where we are aware of "self". This is, even if you don't want to deal with the metaphysical, spiritual sense that the every living being in this planet has the same soul as ours, and equally considers it home as we do. Who, then, wrested upon us the authority to do what we please with the natural resources belonging to this Earth. We, ourselves? How can that be fair? How do we pay back what is due to those who originally inherited the Earth, and continue to live along with us?

Make no mistake, I realize that in our natural habitat (the forests), we were exposed to most unpredictable means of survival. "I think, and therefore I am" is very much apt. It is incredible how far we have come. But take a step back to realize, that in the pursuit of a safe place to continue our existence, we have tried to redefine how the world should be, through cultivation and village-life first, and the urban/concrete mix now.

Have we stopped to think and check, if we have really gone farther than optimum, to give meaning to our life? If every step forward now, is at the price of our "home", this Earth? If not, what is the end point, before we all can agree that further use (I call exploitation) of nature is to the net-detriment of the future generations, of human and non-human life? And in this "home" divided by man-made nation-states, how can we come together to this agreement, and to go back and restore what is already damaged? And will we ever, our minds blurred and trust lost, in judging each other through the lens of race, religion, patriotism, greed. How many more generations have to pass, before we realize what really matters?

To be pragmatic, the baseline is the parameters by which we define economic growth. For everyone understands that language. A price needs to be tagged for each natural resource, with due ownership distributed on all life upon land, water and sky. An honest measure of the effect, of using that resource, is needed. A fair assessment as this, in my view, will make it not worth the price to loot forest and land, might build a few cars less for spending more to create a balance in nature. This is not against science, but a re-evaluation of purpose. For example, it would prioritize inhabiting the moon or Mars over pointless defense budgets.

For sure, change cannot come, but in small steps. But will we ever start, and how?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Simple Village Life

Behind this world so complex, lies a simple village life
It metaphors our choices, for glitter over stars

There is the option, to watch a calm and flowing river
To swim and bathe in glee, in a serene backyard pond
Yet we have turned away, with an endless aim in sight
Oh foolish one this time, is one that will not turn behind

The blazing sun bears witness, to the cowherd's melodious flute
And to cooling embers of moonlight, sing insects a different tune
Oh run away from here, this jarring deafening noise
To where the sun does rise, to chants of Gayathri mantras

Know No Fear

Where is that mind, held fearless and high
It now hides in fear, afraid to be seen

Do you remember, the beauty of rivers and mountains
They are thus with, their freedom of expression

Don't attach self to greed, it is just not your creed
Where fate rules alike, faith is always alive

Whatever happens will happen, no matter what you do
So just head-on with courage, and fear only fear

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The senses do nothing, as self-inquiry does

For long there is pursuit, an endless cycle, for sense-pleasures. These include the sight, the smell, the taste, the touch, and the sound of something that pleases. And many of these are noteworthy, nay make life more worthwhile, more appreciative. But all these mean nothing, if one does not interpret. If one does not step back and introspect.

What gain is it, if one watches film after film, never stopping in between, snatching the time out of one's precious life. Film, like most forms of sense pleasures, are meaningless if one does not learn from it. Film is the perfect medium to give you a view of the world, the vast space which one cannot expect to cover and experience, in one life. But then, not matter how much of film one watches, one cannot expect to get exposed to all. What matters is to get the essence.

Just as reading all the books in the library are unnecessary when the main point has been conveyed, been absorbed.

I was watching this beautiful Bengali movie titled "Agantuk", where one particular dialogue struck me. When Dhritiman Chatterjee's character asks "The open sexuality, the cannibalism that you see among tribals, isn't that uncivilized", Utpal Dutt's character responds sarcastically "No it is barbaric, what is civilized is to wipe out an entire village with the single press on the button of an atom bomb. Uncivilized is where there is an oath taken to avoid the misuse of weapons". The character finds that civilization confusing where there are pillar-like skyscrapers, yet humans pulling rickshaws, a hint towards human exploitation.
Actually today's topic came from this very film. The character had spent a lifetime among tribals and came back to urban life, with his eyes forever open. His views clear and precise as only self-inquiry can achieve.

One must meditate each day, read each day, listen to the soothing rhythm of music, watch different media, but not forget the goal of it all, to instrospect after each, understand, love and appreciate, not necessarily in words. One must find meaning, to one's own, unique life, and devote himself or herself to fulfill that purpose. The senses have played their part then, self-inquiry has reached it's goal then...

Monday, September 09, 2013

Your own style

Continue to play in your own style
You are your own life
You are your unique style

Your style need not be else's
Your style need not agree with all

It is not you, but you were chosen
To express this range of the creator's ways
Your truth to your self, the only true style

I've switched to

Dear reader, I've switched to WordPress upon getting the pop-up that the current Blogger app is not configured to the upgraded version ...