Thursday, August 22, 2013

My Child My Joy

What other joy is needed, when you are with me
It is blissful indeed, when I see you sleep
My child your strength, moves human will
Your innocent ways, drives away all ills

Watching you always, breakes a smile
Kissing your soft cheeks, pleasure I feel
Love, Joy and Happiness, words I don't mind
Because you have given me, the feeling of Divine

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Of Mistakes Past

In life you pay for mistakes past, those past in this birth and last
I remember times, in a deep dark pit,
When I and you scratched words and kissed
I get dreams, of this life not, but lo behold of war-torn Europe

And someone reminded, of promises broken
May be courage, not lack of love then
That your wait, got alone and barren

There were lives lost, nobody thinks often
For true, it is very, hard to fathom
But each life had, a story told seldom
Stories that must complete, in next births for them

No Answer Enough

Why does my heart hurt, why is mind paining
The pain should have ended, the thorn has been pulled now
Is it so because, the wound is still bleeding?
Why did it happen, is one lifetime worth it
Why did God deceive, on the one thing I asked Him
If connecting dots, will give me an answer
Will that answer come with, the lost time and chances

Monday, August 12, 2013

A Child passes away and laws of nature beyond our understanding

This whole week, and perhaps for a long time to come, this tragic happening about a young boy passing away, will continue to be in my mind. I pray for his soul and for his family, and pray there is peace and solace everywhere.

The toddler Logan passed away a couple of days after being best man to his parents' wedding. A life we see in pictures, now no longer is around.

We can never ever really feel, or console or compensate the loss of his parents.

And again, that gnawing question, why. How can the laws of nature be like this? And why does a child have to pay the price.

When we talk freedom, liberty - concepts I obviously stand for also - is there anything truly being "free". Aren't we all governed, dare say controlled, by forces, by laws of nature, by our very existence as humans on this planet.

I know there are philosophical answers to philosophical questions, but nothing will convince me that it's at least unjust where children pay the price.

May those forces, those Gods listen, that laws for humans, please be humane.
That some laws do, really need exceptions.

Monday, August 05, 2013

Lal and Charisma

As is usual with me, just yesterday I finished watching the Malayalam movie "Summer in Bethlehem". This is after about a week since I started it..phew. Now one of the things I'd heard about the movie was the cameo by Mohanlal. And I continued to watch the movie, there was no sign of the cameo. Being a movie of the musical-comedy-romance genre, I'd perhaps expected a funny entrance among kids. But with the entry of a gloomy Manju Warrier character should have made me guess. It was an intense role, and boy, was it "intense"!

It is just one scene of 9.5 mins, and rightly built up to be the climax of the movie. And a scene with many characters sharing the scene with Mohanlal: the jailer, Suresh Gopi and Manju Warrier. But the performance in those few minutes really underlined why he is one of the greatest actors in this country, of this generation. In entry itself the character shows spark (the background music also helped). The bearded ascetic appearance belies the mood that would be, of this scene. Lal eases the tension, and lives it up too. When he speaks of how by killing an evil industrialist, he really killed a whole family including innocent children, your eyes well up with his. When he just after says how he realized how communist "revolutionaries" miss the point that what you need to fix is the system, not the people, you can feel the searing passion. When he hurries from Manju Warrier to Suresh Gopi begging him to put the thali, the hurry is expressed in action and expression. Subtle, but only if you miss. Pure amazing otherwise!

I can't remember an even better cameo in any film, at least till now, even 2 days after I finished the film. Some people have it, what they call charisma. They are born with a talent. And when they make what they love their life's work, you can see the rhythm. Mohanlal, the actor, is one such. 

I have known and am willing to accept that Mohanlal the human may have deficiencies. But to expect him to be perfect will be like stifling him. It'll only kill the creativity within the artist. I've always said, there's no need to be a fan of any person, just his good parts. In this case, his acting talent.

Apparently all his scenes are spontaneously performed. And that, like the other great actor Amitabh, Mohanlal is a nervous wreck before his scene. But that's until the camera starts rolling and the sheer magic begins. Just sit back, enjoy and celebrate the performance.

Ironically perhaps, people might have walked out the movie theater equally or more remembering Mohanlal's cameo than the rest of its content. But then, Gods do take preference!

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