Monday, May 27, 2013

Be Still, Be Quiet..

Be Still, Be Quiet, what is this rush
Every problem was solved, with stillness ablush

Be Still, Be Quiet, what is the hurry
It is not worth, just causes more worry

I have not listened, I have not felt
Of what use is then, this life behind I left

Be Still, Be Quiet, my mind is asleep
In Prayer and Meditation, is greatness achieved

Monday, May 20, 2013

How much do I Love You

My son, my dear, how much do I love you
I realize I love you, more than my life itself

My son can I measure, the vastness of love
When it's as expansive as the endless horizon

My child can there be, a limit to love
When it feels limitless like the sky above

My heart are there areas, this love does not touch
It must be like those where the air has not reached

Yes there can be, a reflection of love
O child you are that, of creation immortal

Friday, May 17, 2013

Loving Nature, Bless thy son

Dear Nature, the living whole
Bless thy spirit, on my son's soul
Build thy strength, on my son's health
Kindle thy thought, in my son's mind

He is not, unknown to you
For indeed, he is born of you

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Does He Know

My son looks out, at the blue expanseless sky
Does he know, that it lays bare
Potentials limitless, in this life

He wonders at green, the grass and tree
Does he know, that it instills
Immortal calmness, within world ever-changing

My son points out, bird he exclaims
Does he know, that it teaches
To spread your wings, take risks to win

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Intent alone is Not Enough

For long I have said that in Life, all we can have is intent; everything else just happens. I still agree with it, at the macro or big-picture level. But it for sure cannot be used as an excuse to inaction. Change was brought about only when people stepped into action. If one would just watch with a fair understanding of what's not right, and with honest intent, but yet keep watching and do nothing, tomorrow would not be a better day.

Good intentions do not override wrong actions. In the Gita it is written that no action is wrong if the intent is right. I do not agree with that now. Because intent is hard to judge; it is personal, subjective and incomparable. That's why strict adherence to law, and more importantly, the spirit of the law, is more important. I'm happy to note that most democracies in the world today have matured enough to realize this.
So it wrong to stop your car in the middle of the road to let another driver from the curb join in, especially when there could be a vehicle behind you, not expecting you to stop; it puts their life in danger. Then again, the spirit of the law is upheld when you do this to save a life, say a kid who jumped on the road.

Good actions override intent. Although I'm not sure I completely understand this, the example I contextualize this statement, is in the role of the law-enforcer or war-soldier of a country. They are at the frontline, defending the nation and upholding it's laws in order to protect life and liberty. In my eyes, their actions deserve the most respect, even more than the doctor who saves lives. However, standing at the front line, they might be unable to see the big-picture, the why. At that point in time, it is their actions that matter most, irrespective of their then understanding of the reasons, the intent. Or even their own personal intentions, as long as those actions do not exceed their scope!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Poison Ivy

It stings of poison, it tastes as much
I still know not if it is

I chew it in, I drink it up
As if ignorance be bliss

Some part of it, makes me immune
Some part of it, meets me with death

I chew it in, I drink it up
It is but gift of God

Thursday, May 09, 2013


Oh Shiva, brave Neelakanta,
Did you drink the poison whole
In one gulp, or in drops bitter

Ishwara, how did you learn
To consume, yet not ingest it in
You hold it in your throat once pure

Nataraja, did the poison's effect
Make you stagger, as I now feel
A listless, no purpose, an expressionless reel

Shambo, you are the very equanimity
I now know what you really did
Consumed the poison that could others kill
And yet not drink it, for immortal bliss

This way you free those around of sin
Yet confident control about your own peace

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