Thursday, May 04, 2017

Lessons from the movie Lucy

"A movie that takes lessons from Vedanta!"

A fictional sci-fi thriller, Lucy (IMDB Link) which where the title character (Scarlett Johansson) is shown drugged by a chemical which takes her cerebral capacity increase from the normal 10% levels to 100% by the end of the film.

While the thriller aspects are for the entertainment factor, the interesting portions are:
- When Professor Norman (Morgan Freeman) during a talk tries to introspect with the listeners how the ancient civilizations including Indians were able to gain deep insight into science without the help of technology. He goes on to imply that this was because they were able to extract higher cerebral capacity from the mind
- When Lucy describes to the Professor how she can see and control the subtle (Sukhsma) powers, including metabolism, pain, desire. And even electricity!
- When her powers increase, Lucy is able to control matter. Achieving seemingly supernatural powers.
- When at higher cerebral capacities, Lucy is able to traverse time and space, but still within her own body (an analogy of Jivatman). She explains how if a car moves infinitely fast, it won't even appear to us. And from our point of view, it's existence becomes questionable. This wins a smile from Professor Norman.
- When at 100% cerebal capacity, Lucy apparently disappears. And she communicates with the Police officer that She is now Everywhere (a perfect analogy of Brahman).

I would call this a must-see for Vedantins. If nothing, it gives us a sense of wonder at the comparisons with the teachings of Vedanta, and a sense of awe! I'm sure those unfamiliar with Vedanta and Indian spirituality would not have connected with the film as much!

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