Saturday, September 29, 2012


Shiva Shankara
Oh all-giving generous
Pour on us the Ganga, with your matted-hair Ishwara

Rudra Trinetra
Destroyer of ahamkara
Root out all evil, with your trident Arihanta

Natesa Nataraja
Mesmerising your Tandava
Express life and death, with your dumroo Kalahasta

Nagadeva Neelakanta
Extolling fear and control
Purify us of poisons, with your sacrifice Mritunjaya

Friday, September 28, 2012


The fate of Karna, most unique
Discarded at Birth, discarded by Love
Had you learnt, you have lived to lose

The character of Karna, most ideal
Embraced fire in friend, than warmth in mother
Were you guided, by father the Sun

The excellence of Karna, most peerless
Surpassed Arjuna in Karma, Yudishthira in Dharma
If only dear Karna, you were on political Right

The destiny of Karna, most unfulfilled
Stolen by Krishna, Indra, Parashurama
In Life the greatness missed, in Memory will be served!

I've switched to

Dear reader, I've switched to WordPress upon getting the pop-up that the current Blogger app is not configured to the upgraded version ...